All Posts Tagged With: "Hillary Clinton"

Hillary’s Dignity Tank Is On Empty
John McCain is a sharp politician. Many people have criticized his decisions, his shifting allegances, and his fence-sitting positions in this primary. But he is winning. He has a lot of exerience winning and he has enough foresight to know that he has to make some smooth moves and some hard decisions to unite the […]
20Mar2008 | bryan | Comments Off on Hillary’s Dignity Tank Is On Empty | Continued
Democratic Debate – November 15
Son, The debate is on. Again, I will try to capture what is happening as it happens- sometimes this works – sometimes I should just go to bed. The commentators – Senator Clinton must reassert her self as the leader. They have to clarify their positions on Iraq and Iran. Campbell Brown – It will […]
16Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
“Amen”, and “You got that right”
Son, We have written about motivational speaking, the ministry, teaching, and political stump speeches. They are not much different. At least not from the presenter’s point of view. Every successful presenter must read and react to his or her audience. In a recent post you wrote about going to see Hillary Clinton at Simpson College […]
10Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on “Amen”, and “You got that right” | Continued
Democratic Debate II – October 30
I posted my last commentary after a half an hour. I was trying to capture actual quotes from the candidates. After posting that hodge-podge of information, I sat back and just listened. I am beside myself with conflict. We have some really fine people running for President on the Democratic ticket. I like Joe Biden. […]
31Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Democratic Debate II – October 30 | Continued
Democratic Debate – October 30 8-8:30 PM
Brian Williams, the moderator, set the stage with his first question to Barack Obama, asking “Why do you think that Hillary Clinton votes like a republican?” Barack answered by explaining the need for change and his take on Hillary is that she is a person steeped in the experience of Washington politics. Then John Edwards […]
31Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Democratic Debate – October 30 8-8:30 PM | Continued
Remembering Bill Clinton
Son, This next year will see an unusual recalling of a particular Presidency. Hillary Clinton will likely be the Democratic nominee. She is proud of Bill Clinton’s Presidency – and is not afraid to say so (Al Gore should have been so smart.) Allow me to cast a particular viewpoint on that time in America’s […]
6Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued