All Posts Tagged With: "homosexuality"

The Rule of Law and the United Methodist Mistake
The next generations will inherit this church, and I am afraid they will inherit a church that does not reflect the kind of inclusion and hope for humanity that they are seeking in order to understand their relationship with God.
4May2012 | bryan | 2 comments | Continued
Repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
In 1993 Former President Clinton and the 103rd Congress implemented Title 10,654 otherwise known as the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy. While there was some resistance, this was a great way to get bipartisan support on a delicate issue. With every bill passed there will always be an inherent flaw, but for the most part […]
27Nov2010 | Cole James | 1 comment | Continued
Desmond Tutu on Homosexuality
I received an email today – as I do many times during the course of the week – from a family member who must be convinced the we see the world in the same way. I am sure that many of you have someone that prowls your email this way. Based on some skewed version […]
13Oct2008 | bryan | 3 comments | Continued