All Posts Tagged With: "hospital"

Walking the Roof of Methodist Hospital – Circa 1972
It was literally ‘the good old days’. Data Processing. No MIS or IT or IS. We processed data – and the data came in the form of punched cards. Everything was ‘batch’ processing – almost no ‘real time’ interaction. But that is an aside for the purposes of this post. This story is about walking […]
17Oct2015 | Gary Clark | 3 comments | Continued
Dead Body Found in Woods
I am cleaning my office. Stacks of paper, piles of books, new book shelves – there is not enough room. So I am compelled to throw something away. This ritual is not done arbitrarily – I have to look at everything and rethink the value. I came across an old news clipping. It has no […]
4May2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Dead Body Found in Woods | Continued