All Posts Tagged With: "immigrant"

“Undocumented Immigrants” Are Not Criminals
There are graduated laws identifying the seriousness of offense. The undocumented immigrant ‘violation’ is in the nature of a misdemeanor – more like a traffic violation than an armed robbery. Our system of justice uproots lives and sends someone to prison in only the most egregious of violations. To uproot and deport someone on the […]
5Sep2016 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on “Undocumented Immigrants” Are Not Criminals | Continued
America is the Definition of Cosmopolitan
Everything about America that is considered great and wonderful is the result of the melding of cultural ideals brought here by immigrants. People across this country enjoy Mexican Restaurants – as long as there are no actual Mexicans in the place.
8May2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on America is the Definition of Cosmopolitan | Continued
Legal Mexican Disguises To Avoid Arrest
There is a misconception across this country that Mexican-Americans in Arizona can be arrested for looking like a Mexican without a driver’s license. An arrest could happen – but there are measures, completely legal, to avoid unnecessary arrest. We recommend simple disguises to thwart the Sheriff and his Deputies. We begin with the standard Groucho […]
1May2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Sense Of Inadequacy Follows Us All The Days Of Our Lives
Any self concept, any value, any perspective, learned in youth – through osmosis – follows us all the days of our lives. We often have a sense of right and wrong, which we sometimes call this our conscience, based on prejudiced childhood learning.
21Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Sense Of Inadequacy Follows Us All The Days Of Our Lives | Continued
Racists and Birthers Are Not Just Dim-Witted Rednecks
In 1776 immigration was unchecked in the American colonies. The people living here decided to form their own government and bypass the King’s tax man. Those folks wrote some rules that defined our form of Government and who was eligible to hold office. The President had to be a natural born citizen – meaning that […]
1Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Racists and Birthers Are Not Just Dim-Witted Rednecks | Continued
Obama Drives the American Mini Van
Barack Obama has taken the reins, he is behind the wheel, with a delicate foot on the gas pedal. The American family Mini Van is on a new journey. With President-Elect Obama at the wheel, Rahm Emanuel riding shotgun, and the back of the van is loaded with the children of an American President. This […]
10Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Tax rebates to Immigrants
Son, What do you think. A person comes to this country in an undocumented status – that means that he is not supposed to be here. But he gets a job and works, he pays taxes on his income. Now we find ourselves in an economic crisis and the Congress wants to rebate money to […]
6Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Tax rebates to Immigrants | Continued
Ron Paul – the Physician Metaphor
Son, Ron Paul is a physician, a doctor, a M. D. Some folks think that qualifies him to be President. He is obviously very intelligent and very well educated. I suspect he knows a thing or two about health care issues. His physician experience is as a flight surgeon in the U. S. Air Force […]
29Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued