All Posts Tagged With: "imperialism"

Imperialist History of the Presidency
Rarely has any President seen himself as being imperialistic. But Imperialism best defines the actions of past administrations. Rarely have we seen ourselves as “The Evil Empire.” But we should examine the facts. [wp_youtube]L8ZTTsiJupo[/wp_youtube] Alexander Hamilton, while not a President, was a founding father of this country. Hamilton advocated a strong military, and particularly a […]
30May2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Imperialist History of the Presidency | Continued
Foreign Policy – Ron Paul is almost right
Son, I am scaring myself. I listen to Ron Paul and find merit in some of what he says. The problem with Ron Paul rests with frequent leaps of logic. He is one of those conspiracy theory folks who sees ghosts in every corner. The problem is there is occasionally a ghost and no one […]
25Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued