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All Posts Tagged With: "Jung"

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Psychology, Cognitive, Jung, Literature, Astrology – What’s It All About

My life has been invested in the search for sanity. That search took many paths. Currently my discussion with others on the same journey has included comparisons of the different yet divergent paths. I am a lay person – mostly. After I retired from a career in information systems I entered a counselor-in-training program at […]

11Oct2021 | | 1 comment | Continued
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The Oddities of Genius

Have you ever known a genius?  Genius is usually a word used to describe certain traits of intelligence.  We might say a genius has a passion for learning and has unique processing capabilities.  They generally show a creativity and intelligence beyond their peers.  Some definitions are more fixed or measurable, like the score on an […]

15Jun2013 | | Comments Off on The Oddities of Genius | Continued
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The Allegory of the Forest – Carl Jung’s Collective

There are no more trees.  No more forested wildlife.  Humans no longer have terms for forest or wildlife.  The Earth was deforested many years ago.  Some older adults remember playing in the woods.  No pictures, photographs, exist.  There are many drawings by children.  Some drawings are done in pencil, others in water colors – some […]

28Feb2013 | | Comments Off on The Allegory of the Forest – Carl Jung’s Collective | Continued
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Demons – Jesus and Jung

Another question to the Jungian psychologist – Jesus cast out demons, how does this relate to Jung?  How  might these demons be the same or different? My friend is a Jungian psychotherapist – He and I read much of the same material – but he is way ahead of me on Jung – so I […]

27Feb2013 | | Comments Off on Demons – Jesus and Jung | Continued
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Jung and Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Carl Jung was a genius on the level of Albert Einstein.  Jung might say that he and Einstein were able to tap their unconscious and the collective unconscious for what appear to be ideas of the human imagination.  Jung’s work now defines an entire branch of modern psychology – in his lifetime he captured the […]

18Feb2013 | | Comments Off on Jung and Alcoholism and Drug Addiction | Continued
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Celebrating Ignorance In Missouri

Ok, I admit, I live in Missouri.  For many years I justified this existence by saying I was close to my family.  That defense is losing ground.  Missouri is not an unusual “Red State” (meaning it votes new age Republican).  My thought is that Missouri is representative of that whole block of right wing fanatics […]

1Feb2013 | | Comments Off on Celebrating Ignorance In Missouri | Continued
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Theology and Boundaries

When we step on the wet leaves of spirituality we risk slipping and falling.  The fall can be disastrous.  We might whack our heads and wake up with all sorts of belief systems that cannot be scientifically proved. Consider this:  Some believe in a virgin birth.  Some believe in bodily resurrection.  Some believe there was […]

30Oct2012 | | 2 comments | Continued
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Thoughts On Original Sin

Some Jungian analysts suggest that original sin relates to family of origin.The idea is in order to be ‘saved’ from the original sin one must escape the dysfunction of one’s family of origin. Original ‘sin,’ as defined by theologians, takes many different forms.  We are born with the sin of Adam, for instance.  Or we […]

25Oct2008 | | 1 comment | Continued