All Posts Tagged With: "King James Bible"

The Church, Social Justice, And Hiding A Scandal
Does the Christian faith promote ‘social justice?’ The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church (is there another Pope?) verbally promotes social justice. Liberation Theology found it’s roots in the Catholic Church. Glen Beck made an issue out of the term ‘social justice’ when he suggested that it means socialism, communism, Nazism, Obamaism, and Liberalism. Beck […]
3Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Church, Social Justice, And Hiding A Scandal | Continued
The Scary Theocracy of Huckabee
Son, When I was listening to Mike Huckabee talk about the United State Constitution I was was reminded of the Ayatollah in Iran. The government should be run by the dominant faith of the country. Follower of Jesus or not – the idea of Theocracy is really scary. Huckabee wants to mold the United States […]
16Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued