All Posts Tagged With: "Larry Koch"

In Defense of the St. Joseph, Missouri, School Tax Levy 2017
Larry Koch is a member of the St. Joseph, Missouri, School District Board of Directors. There is a levy on the ballot and the following was a facebook post by Mr. Koch. I thought it was well thought out and well written. There are two issues: 1) Does the school district need more money? and […]
22Oct2017 | Gary Clark | 0 comments | Continued
Post Cards In The Eighth Ward
On this election day in 2016 I have been reflecting back over past elections. Elections that were personal. Elections that had real consequences. Elections that shaped the education of my children. Elections that shaped the quality of life for my neighbors. Elections mattered then and they matter now. This post is not a diatribe of […]
8Nov2016 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Post Cards In The Eighth Ward | Continued
Walking the Roof of Methodist Hospital – Circa 1972
It was literally ‘the good old days’. Data Processing. No MIS or IT or IS. We processed data – and the data came in the form of punched cards. Everything was ‘batch’ processing – almost no ‘real time’ interaction. But that is an aside for the purposes of this post. This story is about walking […]
17Oct2015 | Gary Clark | 3 comments | Continued