All Posts Tagged With: "learning"

Free Ranging Kids
The Clark Station on Mitchell, this was ‘Our Gangs’ pit stop on the way home from playing at Devil’s Backbone. My cousins and I would spend the day playing dirt clod war at ‘Bird Heaven’ or playing at mountain climbing on the 12th street side or sliding down the grassy steep hill on cardboard or […]
10Jun2018 | Nancy Belle | 2 comments | Continued
Lincoln’s Rhetorical Flourishes, Shame on McCain/Palin
The idea of responding to Sarh Palin is contemptible. Responding to McCain is bad enough. But McCain has put the country in this position – and respond we must. The latest attack by Palin is to suggest in a demeaning manner that Barack Obama “… knows something about rhetorical flourishes.” Be whatever you want, Sarah […]
24Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Lincoln’s Rhetorical Flourishes, Shame on McCain/Palin | Continued