All Posts Tagged With: "Limbaugh"

Limbaugh Republican Political Strategy Fails
One year has passed. Barack Obama is President. The Patron Saint of Republicans is Rush Limbaugh – and Rush Limbaugh called for the failure of the new President. The strategy was simple minded – block every legislative effort, force failure, then recapture the Congress in 2010, then the Presidency in 2012. The passage of the […]
23Mar2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
The Sick, Pathetic, Right Wing Leadership and the disaster in Haiti
Pat Robertson has been a leader of the right wing ‘conservatives’ for many many years. He has even run for President. I live in Punkin Center, Missouri – so I know a few right wing nut cases. When Robertson ran for President one of the local wackos said, “Wait till they find out he went […]
14Jan2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Media Matters Challenges FOX News
We have nothing to add to the Media Matters issue of the right wing fanatical presentation of current events – other than to agree completely.
15Dec2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Media Matters Challenges FOX News | Continued
President Obama Is Not Like Other Liberals
President Obama is not in the same league, the same class, the same stratus as the rest of us liberal thinkers. The rest of us enjoy a good old fashioned fight. President Obama seems to steer clear of roughhousing. Who does he think he is – the President? Keith Olberman loves a food fight. If […]
6Oct2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on President Obama Is Not Like Other Liberals | Continued
Rush Limbaugh is Imploding
Before the dawn of the flat screen television everyone used CRT’s (Cathode Ray Tubes). Before the dawn of the 2008 elections people listened to Rush Limbaugh. These two inventions of modern man are very similar. They are both filled with vacuums and when struck they implode. Rush Limbaugh is imploding. Limbaugh’s biggest fan is DICK […]
14May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Calling Rush Limbaugh, Debate Michael Moore
Rush Limbaugh, the fat mouth piece of the Republican Party has challenged President Obama to a debate. Of course, Limbaugh knows this is a safe challenge – because it will never happen. Rush is like that – safe. Limbaugh has captured and audience of angry malcontents, people who are looking for some one to blame for their miserable lives. Limbuagh feeds their anger, thus keeping them in the fenced yard. If Limbaugh wants to really debate someone, why not challenge Michael Moore.
5Mar2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 8 comments | Continued
The Future Is Not What It Used To Be
I studied electronics at The Electronics Institute in Kansas City. That was a long time ago. We studied vacuum tubes. Vacuum tube radios and television and radar systems. It was the dawn of the transistor – we talked about transistors in class, and experimented with diodes in building full-wave bridge power supplies. Resonant circuits were […]
12Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Future Is Not What It Used To Be | Continued
Ohg Rea Tone on Demise of Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh sucked the life out of the Reagan Ideology. Brutally dragging the mantle of a great man into the gutters of hate and despair, Rush and his cohorts have twisted and distorted reason into book sales, advertising, government corruption, torture, war mongering, nation building, and finally economic despair for most Americans. Fanaticism is a […]
15Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | Continued
Brigham Young, Jim Jones, Rush Limbaugh
There is evidence throughout history that desperate people will follow just about anybody. Generally the numbers do not reflect the majority. Generally the numbers are quite small in proportion to the whole. That was the case with the Mormon cult, it was the case with the Jim Jones cult, and it is the truth with […]
24Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Ann Coulter – a study in journalism
One of our readers recommended that I read some Ann Coulter. Not one to dismiss our readers outright, I found this intriguing documentary by SuperNews. The depth of study is reflected in the Ann Coulter-like bibliography. Ms. Coulter thinks of herself as a professional journalist – and who in the mainstream media today has the […]
2May2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Rev. Wright’s Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Here we go again. An angry man, whether justified or not, pokes a stick in the eye of the object of his anger. Then he wonders why the object of his anger does not like him. Barack Obama says, let us have a healthy dialogue. Well, get the stick out of my eye and maybe […]
20Mar2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Rev. Wright’s Self-Fulfilling Prophecy | Continued
America – Hope or Prozac Nation
Son, When Columbus left Portugal over five hundred years ago it was with the hope of finding a water route to Eastern trade. He found a new land. When the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, it was with the hope of freedom of religion. When Jamestown was founded in 1608 it was with the hope […]
19Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on America – Hope or Prozac Nation | Continued
Limbaugh speaks in tongues with Copeland
Son, I will let the video speak for itself. [wp_youtube]ixOr_bT0mOk[/wp_youtube] What do you suppose those guys were laughing about? How would this play on talk radio? Dad
8Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Limbaugh speaks in tongues with Copeland | Continued
Huckabee’s Hope for Future
Son, Mitt Romney has ‘suspended’ his quest for the Presidency. He is showing his business acumen. Large amounts of money have been invested in a marketing campaign that failed to sell the Bosco. Romney knows that he would be throwing good money after bad. So what does this do to the Republican nomination process? These […]
8Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Huckabee’s Hope for Future | Continued
Evangelicals, Republicans, two Tar Babies
Son, In 1979 the Republican Party formed an un-holy alliance with the evangelical right wing. They hit that tar baby right square in the fat mouth of devil worship. Or is it the other way around – The Evangelicals signed a deal the the Republican Devil? Unlike Faust, neither will survive the deal with the […]
7Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Conservatives support Romney – Go Figure
Son, Mitt Romney is the guy who has changed most of his political positions to run for President. Conservative, by definition, does not like change – Go Figure! He did not like Ronald Reagan. He supported a woman’s right to choose. He raised taxes. He supported State sponsored health care. He shot a rabbit one […]
6Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Conservatives support Romney – Go Figure | Continued
Romney slams Bob Dole
Son, Mitt Romney is not a very good politician. He has a lot of money and he is intelligent and he is good looking and he was a Governor – but he is not a very good politician. Bob Dole wrote a letter to Rush Limbaugh to ask him to ease up on John McCain. […]
6Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Romney slams Bob Dole | Continued
Evangelicals, Legions of Christ?
Son, The evangelicals of America present themselves as the legions of Christ, marching as to war. Ready to sacrifice for their Lord and Savior. Well, who are evangelicals? Some say the are THE witness for Jehovah. Some say they are Saints of the Latter Days. Others claim they immerse themselves in the water of baptism […]
6Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Evangelicals, Legions of Christ? | Continued
Huckabee uspsets the apple cart
Son, The conservative talk radio jabber has been all about how McCain is not conservative enough. Vote for Romney they said. Wee – their strategy is only half working. The conservative voters are supporting Huckabee. If the trends continue we will have a three man race in the Republican Party. I am happy for […]
6Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Huckabee uspsets the apple cart | Continued
John Wayne talks about America
Son, When I was growing up John Wayne was the great American Hero. He embodied everything that it was to be a real man, to be a real patriot, to have honor and to honor tradition. Who are the heroes of today’s youth? [wp_youtube]nrjn26EE2bs[/wp_youtube] John Wayne was replaced by John Lennon. Then Sylvester Stallone and […]
3Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Limbaugh looks and sounds like Tim Russert
Son, I hearken back a few weeks to a Democratic Debate sponsored by MSNBC. The moderator was Tim Russert. As we reflect on substance we can see that Tim Russert has drug MSNBC and NBC down to the level of conservative talk radio. Russert has climbed to the top of the ‘good old boys’ network […]
2Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Limbaugh looks and sounds like Tim Russert | Continued
Al Franken takes a shot at Limbaugh, Part I
Son, I labeled this post ‘Part I’ because this cannot possibly be the whole story. Al Franken is a funny guy – but does that qualify him to be a United States Senator? Al Franken is quite an intellect – but history shows that being an intellect is not a precursor to being in the […]
2Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Al Franken takes a shot at Limbaugh, Part I | Continued
Ann Coulter, McCain, Hannity, Clinton
Son, Putting those four names in the title seemed strange to me. Probably because I just watched a video of Ann Coulter on the Hannity Dominates Colmes Show. Ms. Coulter has stated publicly that she will Support Hillary Clinton if John McCain is the Republican nominee. She won’t. This is just another example of how […]
1Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
The John McCain Shelter for Abused Conservatives
John McCain has brought sanity back into the Republican Party. McCain is the realistic optimist of Ronald Reagan. The Reagan Revolution has been hijacked by abusive personalities who hope only for power and control. When an abused spouse cries out for help we provide an Abuse Shelter. We provide a place of sanctuary. We provide […]
31Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | Continued
Ron Paul endorses drug addiction
Son, We have comments from Ron Paul supporters that compare laws against marijuana to prohibition against alcohol. These folks, and Ron Paul, fail to understand the trauma of modern drugs. The real sadness is that Ron Paul is a physician – and he seems to turn a blind eye to the problem of a pandemic […]
25Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 19 comments | Continued
Media Hosts fail as Celebrities
Son, A tragedy has befallen American Journalism. Cable and satellite feeds have created monster celebrities in the field of journalism. Everyone wants to be Walter Cronkite. The problem is that hey have not earned the stature. Wolf Blitzer, Chris Matthews, Tim Russert, Bill O’Reilly, Shawn Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, to name a few. These people have […]
25Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Media Hosts fail as Celebrities | Continued