All Posts Tagged With: "local"

The Short End of The Regulation Stick
The hard earned emotions of our life influence our thoughts. They distract us from our initial purpose. I often begin a post and when finished I have to change the title to reflect the actual post – the burr under my saddle led me off course. Many of us have burrs under our saddles that […]
5Jul2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Hypocrisy is a Bridge to Nowhere
Local hypocrites beg Feds for money. That might have been a better headline in a local newspaper. The actual headline is, “Local Officials rallying for funds.” This small Missouri community is very conservative – the joke around town is that we have too many churches and not enough strip joints (127 Churches, one strip joint). […]
29Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Hypocrisy is a Bridge to Nowhere | Continued
Countrywide and Bank of America
Son, Good news and bad news. Countrywide is a mortgage lender that has gotten into trouble with greedy lending practices. The economy caught up with them. Now the Bank of America is reportedly buying Countrywide for a ba-zillion dollars. That sound like good news – like maybe the mortgage lending fiasco may be coming to […]
11Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Countrywide and Bank of America | Continued
Political endorsement, any value?
Son, There is an old axiom in local politics, “When someone or some group endorses you, you get all of their enemies and none of their friends.” Who knows? We do know that politicians actively seek endorsements. Readers – what do you think – are endorsements valuable? Dad
11Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Political endorsement, any value? | Continued