All Posts Tagged With: "Marines"

Repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
In 1993 Former President Clinton and the 103rd Congress implemented Title 10,654 otherwise known as the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy. While there was some resistance, this was a great way to get bipartisan support on a delicate issue. With every bill passed there will always be an inherent flaw, but for the most part […]
27Nov2010 | Cole James | 1 comment | Continued
The Marines in Iraq
What is it about Marines that make them so special? When called upon to serve they do not ask why – they merely pack their bags and go. They do what is asked of them. They believe in their hearts that their missions are honorable – that they are in the service of America. How […]
9Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Marines in Iraq | Continued
Marines’ Hymn
I am an amateur piano player – I play late at night, and just for myself. I am told that I have a ‘swing style’ – but I don’t know what that means. One of the first songs that I learned on a piano was the Marines’ Hymn. This inspiring march music is relatively easy […]
24Apr2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Marines’ Hymn | Continued