All Posts Tagged With: "Mark"

Obama’s confidence-rating: High, steady
by Mark Silva Perhaps it is the alacrity with which President-elect Barack Obama has set about assembling a Cabinet and army of advisers – an economic team named this week, defense coming next week. Or perhaps it is the expertise of the nominees – with a “towering” economic team that includes the six-foot-seven Paul Volcker, […]
29Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Obama’s confidence-rating: High, steady | Continued
President-elect: ‘You can call me Barack’
Posted November 26, 2008 5:15 PM Veronica Lewis bows for President-elect Barack Obama, and his family, from left, Michelle Obama, daughters Sasha, 7, (hidden) Malia, 10, distributing Thanksgiving turkeys at the food bank at St. Columbanus Catholic Church on the South Side of Chicago today. (AP Photo by Pablo Martinez by Mark Silva On the […]
27Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on President-elect: ‘You can call me Barack’ | Continued
Sarah Palin: Obama articulated change
Posted November 11, 2008 9:45 AM by Mark Silva The view from Sarah Palin’s kitchen: She would have been happy to speak out for herself more during the presidential campaign. President-elect Barack Obama did “a great job” of speaking for himself, the Republican Party’s vice presidential nominee said in an interview with Matt Lauer of […]
11Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Sarah Palin: Obama articulated change | Continued
Fear and Faith, Vote Obama – Go To Hell
Polar opposites. Fear and Faith. These concepts do not live together, they are never under the same roof. When the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons and the Catholics and the Baptists come knocking at my door I am not afraid. But they are. Fear is always obvious in their message. The tactics employed by the […]
20Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Sarah Palin on SNL with Tina Fey
Sarah Palin jumped on the bandwagon, again. She is pretty good at riding the waves of others. Either Sarah Palin is a good sport – or she just does not get the point.
19Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Sarah Palin on SNL with Tina Fey | Continued
The War Prayer, by Mark Twain
Mark Twain says it best. Once again it took an artist to capture the staggering essence of events that many Americans have become immune to. This particular writing is in response to the Spanish-American war with the Philippines in 1898. Mark Twain became an anti-imperialist. Born Samuel Clemens in Hannibal, Missouri, he was an honest […]
28Aug2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The War Prayer, by Mark Twain | Continued