All Posts Tagged With: "math"

Learning About Jesus in Chemistry Class
I am a slow learner. I graduated from college when I was 46 years old. Education was not a value of my family system; education was seen as job training. This seems to be a predominant ideal in America. And to reinforce the idea – it is nice to have a job that one enjoys. […]
7May2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
2012 Mayan Prediction – Respecting Logic
Marilyn vos Savant is some sort of genius who sells her logic to Parade Magazine. People write with questions, Marilyn answers. The question on January 31, 2010, concerned the Mayan prediction of the end of the world in the year 2012. The question: Can you add some logic to calm the hysteria? The flaw in […]
3Feb2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued