All Posts Tagged With: "Matt Blunt"

I Am A Pregant Teen
It was difficult for me to sleep last night. I was checking the statistics on our magazine yesterday. The statistics page gives us two views of where our readers came from. ‘Referrers’ lists the other sites that reference our site. ‘Search Engine Terms’ is a list of the key words individuals used to search the […]
5Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on I Am A Pregant Teen | Continued
Blunt Abortion
The Governor of Missouri is Matt Blunt, son of a Missouri Congressman of a similarly appropriate name. The headline in today’s paper is “Blunt task force examining abortion affects on women.” How appropriate. This is a good article – good because it slants in my direction. Apparently Governor Blunt has formed a task force of […]
29Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Blunt Abortion | Continued