All Posts Tagged With: "McBride"

Barack Obama – The Color of Water
These are troubling times of war and of economic despair. Yet there is a sense of hope. 50 million people in this country lack health care. Yet there is a sense of hope. We speak of immigration as if we are talking about cattle. Yet there is a sense of hope. Hope transcends troubles. Hope […]
30Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 9 comments | Continued
Narrative lives of McCain, Obama, McBride
Each of us is a product of our environment. We do not know the secrets of epigenetic study – that mystery of our DNA that is shaped by influence of nurture. So we are left to speak in terms of biography. Biography is termed ‘narrative history.’ Narrative, by it’s nature is anecdotal. Written about famous […]
4Apr2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Narrative lives of McCain, Obama, McBride | Continued