All Posts Tagged With: "Meet the Press"

John McCain on Iraq Strategy – Meet The Press
Son, I am in no way an advocate of the war in Iraq. With that said our country is engaged in a War. A war whose outcome has serious consequence for America. John McCain is a man who understands war. Mr. McCain is not a war monger. He is not a cruel man. Mr. McCain […]
29Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on John McCain on Iraq Strategy – Meet The Press | Continued
Meet the Press – Jan 20, 2008, on Obama
Son, Meet the Press has finally come around to having real journalist participating – rather than have Tim Russert looking for sound bites. This is actually a good discussion on the candidacy of Obama. [wp_youtube]wX7kTBqqpr0[/wp_youtube] Dad
22Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Meet the Press – Jan 20, 2008, on Obama | Continued
Tim Russert plays the gender card
Son, Tim Russert was ‘interviewing’ Hillary Clinton on Meet the Press this morning. His line of questioning suggested his chauvinism rests just under the surface. Russert asked of Hillary, “What was the moment of greatest adversity for you?” Hillary’s answer, “We all know the answer to that.” Yes we do – and so did Russert. […]
14Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Tim Russert plays the gender card | Continued
Hillary Clinton with Tim Russert
Son, Tim Russert played his cards at the table of a master. He came up short. But that is why Hillary Clinton is busy running for President and Tim Russert is busy sucking up to his buddy Chris Matthews and the corporate bosses who manage the media. One can almost see Russert thinking, “Oh Boy, […]
13Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Media Hosts fail as Celebrities
Son, A tragedy has befallen American Journalism. Cable and satellite feeds have created monster celebrities in the field of journalism. Everyone wants to be Walter Cronkite. The problem is that hey have not earned the stature. Wolf Blitzer, Chris Matthews, Tim Russert, Bill O’Reilly, Shawn Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, to name a few. These people have […]
25Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Media Hosts fail as Celebrities | Continued