All Posts Tagged With: "Methodist"

Walking the Roof of Methodist Hospital – Circa 1972
It was literally ‘the good old days’. Data Processing. No MIS or IT or IS. We processed data – and the data came in the form of punched cards. Everything was ‘batch’ processing – almost no ‘real time’ interaction. But that is an aside for the purposes of this post. This story is about walking […]
17Oct2015 | Gary Clark | 3 comments | Continued
Mr. Mullinax
I was once a young man, in a land far away. Well, about two miles from where I sit today. Methodist Hospital hired me as a Computer Operator three weeks before my first child was born. Actually, Larry Koch hired me – he was the Computer Operations Manager. His boss was John Mullinax. John was […]
13Oct2015 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | ContinuedSt. Joseph, Missouri, Urban Trail in Winter
I happen to be in St. Joseph, Missouri, today. The NFL playoffs brought me to town to visit old friends. We arrived early and I decided to take a hike along the City’s Urban Trails. The scenery is spectacular in Winter. But the scenery points out the enigma of St. Joseph Leadership. Check out the […]
17Jan2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
actions and impact
Dad, I have been considering the impact that our words have on others, both in conversation and in this online magazine, and trying to figure out how much we should evaluate our words and actions out of respect for others. I have been attending the School for Lay Ministries with the Methodist Church for a […]
8Jan2008 | bryan | 1 comment | Continued