All Posts Tagged With: "Michael"

Calling Rush Limbaugh, Debate Michael Moore
Rush Limbaugh, the fat mouth piece of the Republican Party has challenged President Obama to a debate. Of course, Limbaugh knows this is a safe challenge – because it will never happen. Rush is like that – safe. Limbaugh has captured and audience of angry malcontents, people who are looking for some one to blame for their miserable lives. Limbuagh feeds their anger, thus keeping them in the fenced yard. If Limbaugh wants to really debate someone, why not challenge Michael Moore.
5Mar2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 8 comments | Continued
The Staying Power of Hannah Montana – and Miley Cyrus
I have written before that I know more about 1521 C.E. Europe than I do about pop culture in America today. But this magazine of ours has prompted me to look around. I even wrote a post on Lindsay Lohan. Hannah Montana’s name came up recently because she was selling out a concert in Kansas […]
11Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Catholics Turned to the Democrat
By Michael Luo Much was made in 2004 of the so-called “God gap” between Republicans and Democrats, becoming part of the conventional wisdom explaining President Bush’s victory over Senator John F. Kerry. As a result, the Democratic Party, including Senator Barack Obama, focused heavily on outreach to religious voters, including white evangelicals who voted overwhelmingly […]
5Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Catholics Turned to the Democrat | Continued
McCain on ‘Saturday Night Live’
By Michael Cooper Live from New York, it was Senator John McCain, saying that he was thinking of some radically different strategies for the last three days of the presidential race. “I thought I might try a strategy called the Reverse Maverick,’’ Mr. McCain told his interviewer. “That’s where I do whatever anybody tells me. […]
2Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on McCain on ‘Saturday Night Live’ | Continued
Slacker Uprising – Michael Moore
The devil is in the house. Michael Moore has created a new documentary encouraging all slackers to get out and vote. Moore traveled to 62 cities in battle ground states and chronicled his journey and his audience response. This man is gifted – that is not to say correct – but he is gifted. By […]
24Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Michael Phelps, Pro Bowl in Eight Positions
Michael Phelps won eight gold medals in one Olympics. Mark Spitz won seven in the 1972 Olympics. Johnny Weissmuller won four in the 1928 Olympics. All in swimming. So multiple gold medals is not unheard of. But it is certainly unusual. Why is this so? This writer has been digesting the news of the Phelps […]
20Aug2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Michael Phelps, Pro Bowl in Eight Positions | Continued
Michael Moore, Larry King, and Hillary
Son, Michael Moore continues to contribute to the dialogue in this country. He was on Larry King Live and took calls from the public. He claims that he will not vote for Hillary because of the Iraq War. Moore has fundamental morals that guides his thought processes. [wp_youtube]pGv6XBxk1IA[/wp_youtube] He is enlightening, compelling, and entertaining. Dad
8Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Michael Moore, Larry King, and Hillary | Continued
Caroline Kennedy or Michael Reagan
Son, Presidents have sons and daughters. Sometimes the children grow up to engage politics, sometimes they don’t. Think of Caroline Kennedy, daughter of John F. Kennedy, and an image comes to mind. Think of Michael Reagan, son of Ronald Reagan, and another image comes to mind – hopefully not for long. Do the children of […]
30Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Caroline Kennedy or Michael Reagan | Continued
Race is perception – why it matters in politics
Son, I am a baby boomer – that generation of people that outnumber the rest of you folks. We grew up with civil rights and anti-war protesting and counter culture movements. Today we are skeptical about those who wish to claim the mantle of leadership for cultural change. Race is always important. We loved Martin […]
26Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Race is perception – why it matters in politics | Continued