All Posts Tagged With: "midwest"

Al Gore Explains Global Warming to the Midwest…
Dad, The more snow we get, the more I think this could be a reality… Man, that guy should run for president. Bryan.
6Feb2008 | bryan | Comments Off on Al Gore Explains Global Warming to the Midwest… | Continued
Thundersnow and Global Warming – The Mid West Takes a Beating
Dad, You mentioned thunder and snow in your article about the Midwestern storms that are covering us in a post-Christmas winter wonderland I have noticed the lightning, thunder and snow several times in the last couple of weeks. I have never seenor heard that before, so I looked it up. Wikipedia says this about thundersnow: […]
6Feb2008 | bryan | Comments Off on Thundersnow and Global Warming – The Mid West Takes a Beating | Continued
Thunder Snowstorms in the Midwest
Son, I shovel my own walks. With the foot of snow presently on my sidewalks I just shovel a path as wide as my little red snow shove. But these are dangerous times. My snow shovel has a metal handle. I am afraid of being struck by lightning. Now that may sound ridiculous. And for […]
6Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Piling Snow on Snow
Son, I live in the Midwest. We have been in the bullseye of weather systems for several weeks. The Great Ice Storm of 2007 took away our electrical power. Now we are inundated with snow on snow. I have about 250 feet of sidewalks to be shoveled. And I shovel with my little red […]
29Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Piling Snow on Snow | Continued
Ice Storms and Fireplaces
Son, An Ice Storm came visiting last Monday. It is now Friday and power was just restored last evening. The weather forecasters had properly warned me of the impending storm and the probable loss of electric power. So I was prepared. I went out Monday and bought a load of hard wood, all walnut. I […]
14Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ice Storms and Fireplaces | Continued