All Posts Tagged With: "Militarism"

John McCain and Coercive Diplomacy
The United States is winding down on another ill conceived War. Vietnam taught some lessons about getting into an open ended war with no clear definition of success. The first Gulf War seemed to alleviate any lingering concerns Vietnam might have created. Superior technology, overwhelming force, and arrogant diplomacy replaced professional statesmanship. John McCain is […]
7Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on John McCain and Coercive Diplomacy | Continued
Stubborn McCain Champions War
John McCain owns the Republican Party – at least for the next two months. He owns the Republican National Convention. He owns the message being presented by every speaker and every video. The stubbornness of John McCain is evident in the message presented. McCain’s life bookends are all about War. His adult life is framed […]
4Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued