All Posts Tagged With: "Missouri"

A Sketch or Memorandom of Old Mr Thomas Capps
Just a small microcosm of my paternal family history. Only wish it was also audio.
15Apr2022 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued
Postcards From the RNC, Robo Calls That Is!
I keep getting robo calls from the RNC…. They desperately need $75 from me to fight the biased media and drain the swamp. What?? That is roughly 1/12th of my total monthly income. I have no problem telling them I am living on Social Security and not much of that, but I’m talking to deaf […]
21Nov2017 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued
A Facebook discussion on Drug Addiction
Ron Taylor shared Jordan Rice‘s post. May 5 at 11:09pm · Jordan Rice April 23 at 12:21pm · Thank you. Edit: I didn’t explain why I agree with this or any experiences I have which left people opinion to make a bunch of dumb ass opinions about my logic. I don’t have the time to […]
8May2017 | Ohg Rea Tone | 0 comments | Continued
“Conservative” Does Not Mean Smaller Government
Ronald Reagan hijacked the term “Conservative” and twisted it to his own political purpose. Remember his famous quote, something like this: “Government does not solve the problem, government is the problem.” The dingbats get goosebumps every time they hear that quote. More military they say, but less government. The government should leave my social security […]
24Aug2016 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | Continued
My Curiosity Defeats My Timidity
As the title eludes, I like to think I have a defense from fear. Many long years ago, my eldest son was about three. Our yard was fenced in and the best place for him and his sister to be in the summer. Our house was not air-conditioned. This particular day I was visiting with […]
28May2016 | Nancy Belle | 0 comments | Continued
Another Senseless Death from Drug Addiction
Another young man from St. Joseph died this past weekend – apparently from long term drug addiction. I knew him. I knew him when he was about seven years old. I also knew his family. He was second generation drug addict. Not his parents, as far as I know, but many of his aunts and […]
2Mar2016 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | Continued
Walking the Roof of Methodist Hospital – Circa 1972
It was literally ‘the good old days’. Data Processing. No MIS or IT or IS. We processed data – and the data came in the form of punched cards. Everything was ‘batch’ processing – almost no ‘real time’ interaction. But that is an aside for the purposes of this post. This story is about walking […]
17Oct2015 | Gary Clark | 3 comments | Continued Medicaid Petition
26Jan2014 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Medicaid Petition | Continued
The Somber Occasion of An Abortion
My friend, Jubila, and I were having our daily debate about how smart we are as compared to the people with whom we disagree. Generally speaking my friend and I are thought of as liberals so it should not surprise anyone that we think highly of ourselves. Oh if life were so easy. It is […]
16Aug2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on The Somber Occasion of An Abortion | Continued
Corresponding With an Inmate in the Missouri Department of Corrections
Geez – corresponding with an inmate in the Missouri Department of Corrections can be very rewarding – and very frustrating. I am learning the rules as we go. My friend Joey is serving time for his fourth DWI. I do not dispute the sentence – DWI is a serious offense. Driving while intoxicated is responsible […]
1May2013 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | Continued
On Alcoholics Anonymous – A Letter From Prison
Corresponding with an inmate in the Missouri prison system can be rewarding – and it can be heartbreaking. My friend Joey is again in prison. Joey is not a criminal – but four DUI’s will get anyone some time behind bars. I met Joey when he was in Drug Court. He was my client. As […]
22Apr2013 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | Continued
Celebrating Ignorance In Missouri
Ok, I admit, I live in Missouri. For many years I justified this existence by saying I was close to my family. That defense is losing ground. Missouri is not an unusual “Red State” (meaning it votes new age Republican). My thought is that Missouri is representative of that whole block of right wing fanatics […]
1Feb2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Celebrating Ignorance In Missouri | Continued
Retired? How Do You Know?
I live in Missouri, northern Missouri. I tell people that I am one generation removed from hillbillies – which means my parents were most likely rednecks, and it follows that I am a redneck too. Or was. I went to college and the rednecks disqualified me. Anyway, I know some hillbillies, rednecks, and the watered […]
27Jan2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Retired? How Do You Know? | Continued
Jef Foxworthy on Being a Missourian
(This was taken in its entirety from an email). Missouri according to Jeff Foxworthy: If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don’t even work there, you may live in Missouri. If you’ve worn shorts and a jacket at the same time, you may live in Missouri. … If you’ve had […]
5Jan2013 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Jef Foxworthy on Being a Missourian | Continued
People at Wal-Mart Video
I can not help it. Most of these pictures were taken at the South Belt Wal-Mart in St. Joseph, Missouri. Two of the people are my siblings – but I will not say which.
1Mar2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
The Redneck Walks The Immigrant Trail
The trail ends at Saint Joseph, Missouri. Some say it also begins there. The Immigrant Trail has not yet been officially documented by historians – but the trail exists today. When documented there is good cause to believe there will be a trail of tears. But I get ahead of myself. I live just outside […]
8Sep2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | Continued
Hunting For Jesse James Gold
When I was a child my parents would often take our family on picnics at Houston Wyeth Park in St. Joseph, Missouri – we just called the place Wyeth Hill. Wyeth Hill runs along the top of the Missouri River Bluffs in northwest St. Joseph. The hill overlooks downtown St. Joe to the south, the […]
25Aug2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 14 comments | Continued
Illegal Immigrants Cause Global Warming
It is hot in Missouri – the folks who know are saying it is hotter than it was the last time it was hot – and I believe them. And I know why. Global Warming, it is as simple as that. But the cause has been uncovered with some simple research conducted at the South […]
4Aug2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
A Soldier’s Funeral, A Sour War
We Americans should never forget the cost of War. And the death of a soldier warrants more than an incremental ticker on Page Two B
22Jul2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Problems With Oil Leaks – Call A Redneck
From the AP (Anything Possible), Punkin Center, Missouri. Most every morning the boys meet at the General Store to solve the world problems. No problem is too big for a certified Redneck. And the General Store gang is composed of certified Rednecks. The Store has a garage out back – some call it a shade […]
5Jun2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Problems With Oil Leaks – Call A Redneck | Continued
Missouri Bureaucracy Fumbles The Ball
Modern government is a real enigma, particularly in Missouri. We all agree that we need government, but we all want “the gov’ment” to leave us alone. In many ways conservative and liberals are alike – no one wants big brother government – but everyone wants equality and protection. Everyone hates bureaucracy – but everyone also […]
30Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Missouri Bureaucracy Fumbles The Ball | ContinuedSt. Joseph, Missouri, Urban Trail in Winter
I happen to be in St. Joseph, Missouri, today. The NFL playoffs brought me to town to visit old friends. We arrived early and I decided to take a hike along the City’s Urban Trails. The scenery is spectacular in Winter. But the scenery points out the enigma of St. Joseph Leadership. Check out the […]
17Jan2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Real ID’s: Why Are We Frustrated With Government
Modern government is a real enigma. We all agree that we need government, but we all want “the gov’ment” to leave us alone. In many ways conservative and liberals are alike – no one wants big brother government – but everyone wants equality and protection. Everyone hates bureaucracy – but everyone also has their pet […]
20May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
The Big Disconnect Between Haves and Have-Nots
A really fascinating dichotomy occurs when community leaders have to go to the public for support on tax initiatives. Our example is of a microcosm of modern America – the town of St. Joseph, Missouri. We live in rural northwest Missouri, just outside of Punkin Center, and we watch the local economy. The St. Joseph […]
2Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Big Disconnect Between Haves and Have-Nots | Continued
Homeless Community
This writer has worked and volunteered at the same social service agencies dedicated to cleaning up the river banks, to rescuing the downtrodden, to saving the helpless, threading the eye of the needle as a gateway to Heaven. We will walk through the Pearly Gates and God will thump us on the forehead with his middle finger, look at us in disgust, and then invite us in to the ultimate shelter from damnation. We will be seated in the middle row, the homeless will have front row seats.
9Feb2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
Redneck Gazette – Obama Uses Common Sense
Redneck Gazette Second Edition Punkin Center, Missouri, BR-777 Obama Uses Missouri Common Sense Fannie Mae is goin fishing We been listening to that fella Barack Obama. It sounds like he uses plain old Missouri Common Sense. Figure this out. Obama is talking about that over on Wall Street. We think that is in a big […]
3Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Redneck Gazette – Obama Uses Common Sense | Continued
Missourians For Obama
Is it Missourians or Missourites? We never know. We live in Punkin Center, Missouri, and we are voting for that Chicago politician, Barack Obama. Generally we don’t take much to Chicago politicians, but this fella seems different. Down the road in St. Joe the Newspaper just came out for that McCain boy. We figured they […]
26Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
I Am A Pregnant Teen
It was difficult for me to sleep last night. I was checking the statistics on our magazine yesterday. The statistics page gives us two views of where our readers came from. ‘Referrers’ lists the other sites that reference our site. ‘Search Engine Terms’ is a list of the key words individuals used to search the […]
22Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Rednecks for Obama
We live in Missouri, rural Missouri. Down the road a piece, just over the hill and down through the holler, rests the country store. The folks like to sit around the pot belly stove and yack a bit. They only fire up the stove in the winter, but it is a comfort just to have […]
21Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 59 comments | Continued
Embracing Casino Gambling
Casino gambling has spread across this great nation. In Punkin Center, Missouri, where this writer lives, we see our neighbors leaving to go to “the boat.” Wow, we think, right here in Punkin Center. But that is not all. Casino issues are on ballots across this country. The Presidential election will draw big crowds – […]
19Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Wanted: Leadership, Not Beer Buddies
Way back when this writer was a young man, we used to stop at the local watering hole to soak up some suds with our beer buddies. Joe Six Pack was always the first to arrive, and the last to leave. After two or three cold ones we could solve most of the world problems. […]
10Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Hypocrisy is a Bridge to Nowhere
Local hypocrites beg Feds for money. That might have been a better headline in a local newspaper. The actual headline is, “Local Officials rallying for funds.” This small Missouri community is very conservative – the joke around town is that we have too many churches and not enough strip joints (127 Churches, one strip joint). […]
29Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Hypocrisy is a Bridge to Nowhere | Continued
Salem Witch Hunt – Ultimate Water Boarding
Son, The use of water boarding by the United States Government to ferret out ‘terrorists’ reminds me of the witch hunts of 1692 in Massachusetts. One of those dark moments in American history. It is a catch 22 for the person being tortured. Tell us what we want to hear or risk drowning – does […]
10Mar2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 5 comments | Continued
An American Pie Story – and video
Son, I was in my late teens, sitting on a Missouri River levy. There were three of us, drinking Kansas beer. 3.2 Alcohol. We were too young to drink in Missouri. My 56′ Chevy was parked on top of the levy, we were sitting on the bank of the river. The doors on my Chevy […]
17Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on An American Pie Story – and video | Continued
immigration, hate crime, gun control —
Son, The conservatives have lost their bearing. And I must say that if not for the craziness I would be enjoying myself watching the circus. Here is the conservative philosophy – one which I cannot dispute: Less Government, fewer laws – generally better. The philosophy goes to a level of foolishness. Hate crime you say […]
16Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Blunt Immigration – No Drivers Licenses
Son, Governor Matt Blunt of Missouri has taken a pro-bureaucracy, anti-immigration, big Government, do-the-wrong-thing, position to get reelected. This is typical politics. Solving problems means solving the political problem – not making life better for citizens. This mentality is exactly what is wrong with government. And we the people are to blame. We are to […]
16Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Blunt Immigration – No Drivers Licenses | Continued
Animal Rights vs Wildlife Management
Son, We live in a crowded world. There are many lifeforms competing for the same land, water, and air. But we happen to be humans – so get out of the way other lifeforms. That has been the human motto for thousands of years. But I think we have pushed too hard. Wildlife is now […]
10Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Animal Rights vs Wildlife Management | Continued
Tigers Tony Temple – Cotton Bowl records
Son, The Cotton Bowl was pretty exciting – if one happens to be a Mizzou Fan. Tony Temple broke the big records. 281 yards rushing to break a fifty year old record, four rushing touchdowns to break the same fifty year old record. Tony Temple is from Kansas City. Tony Temple played for Rockhurst High […]
2Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Tigers Tony Temple – Cotton Bowl records | Continued
Tiger Attack
Son, Many of us in Missouri are disappointed that Mizzou is not in a BCS Bowl Game. The Tigers are in the Cotton Bowl – playing the number 25 ranked Arkansas Razorbacks. And they are having a great day. The game is presently late in the third quarter and Mizzou is ahead 28 to 7. […]
2Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Tiger Attack | Continued
Piling Snow on Snow
Son, I live in the Midwest. We have been in the bullseye of weather systems for several weeks. The Great Ice Storm of 2007 took away our electrical power. Now we are inundated with snow on snow. I have about 250 feet of sidewalks to be shoveled. And I shovel with my little red […]
29Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Piling Snow on Snow | Continued
The Alamo – The Tigers get no respect
Son, There is a big game tonight in college football. You know that I am only a casual observer of college sports – but even casual observers have to take note of this game. The Missouri Tigers haven’t won a conference football championship since 1969. They were not even ranked when this season started. Today […]
1Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Alamo – The Tigers get no respect | Continued
Mizzou – Show Me State heroes
Son, This was a big night in Missouri. The MU Tigers are going to the first Big 12 Championship Game in their history. They managed a win over the formidable Kansas Jayhawks. When I say managed, I mean that they took a forceful early lead and then managed the game. I don’t think the general […]
25Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Border Wars – MU and KU
Son, Many years have passed since that last great border wars between Missouri and Kansas. The previous height of conflict was 150 some years ago. The United States Civil War smashed the last barriers of civility and the borders were on fire. Today’s conflict will be settled, we hope, at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City. […]
22Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Border Wars – MU and KU | Continued
Cabela’s Deer Camp – no Assault Rifles
Son, There is a big advertisement inserted into this morning’s newspaper. The title is catching: Cabela’s countdown to Deer Camp. Cabela’s is a big outdoor paraphernalia producer and marketer. The colorful ad is four full pages. One entire page is dedicated to arming oneself for the foray into the wild – the firearm must be […]
25Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued