All Posts Tagged With: "Morning Joe"

Bush ‘idiot’ video – is or is not
Son, Is linguistic skill the qualifier for intellect? Does one have to speak well to be considered intelligent? Does George Bush fail at speech, or does the problem run deeper? Joe Scarborough hosted a worthy discussion on the intelligence of President Bush. [wp_youtube]whhbPVrb5KM[/wp_youtube] Dad
22Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bush ‘idiot’ video – is or is not | Continued
Morning Joe degrades bloggers
Son, Joe Scarborough speaks without thinking. He operates out of biased paradigms that are fostered by the good old boys club at MSNBC. Those folks, Scarborough, Russert, Matthews, and Olberman are the bloggers of Television. Scarborough made some innocent but disparaging off hand comments about bloggers. First of all – what is a blogger. Well, […]
18Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Morning Joe degrades bloggers | Continued
John Ridley on Morning Joe, 1-15-08
Son, John Ridley is a black man, a successful black man. Well, he makes a lot of money and follows his bliss as and NPR Contributor – successful. Joe Scarborough has Ridley on the show to talk about race in politics. Ridley, “I think this thing is really unfortunate. Race and gender has not really […]
15Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on John Ridley on Morning Joe, 1-15-08 | Continued
Huckabee, Morning Joe, and Matthew 25
Son, Mike Huckabee is a theologian running for President. It happens. He is an educated Christian Minister, well versed in theology. He is a former Governor, well versed in legislative and executive business. He is well spoken, charming, energetic, and has a healthy sense of humor. But my take is that his ambition overrides his […]
14Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Huckabee, Morning Joe, and Matthew 25 | Continued
Chris Matthews, Racist, Chauvinist
Son, The star of Chris Matthews has risen. Now we can see who he really is. And it is not pretty. Clinton scored a huge comeback in New Hampshire. Matthews explanation – “…the New Hampshire voters lied to the pollsters. They lied about voting for a black man because they were embarrassed… Hillary did not […]
9Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 8 comments | Continued
Chris Matthews – arrogance personified
Son, I was once a fan of Chris Matthews. He is on Morning Joe again this morning and he is absolutely pathetic in his self promotion. They are discussing the 2008 election and Matthews just said, “If Obama winds in Iowa then Bill Clinton will be saying, ‘Matthews was right.’” Whooee – Does he think […]
26Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Bill Maher on Morning Joe
Son, I am listening to MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Bill Maher will be on, but first a few comments about last evening’s Republican debate. How did Fred Thompson do? Joe says ‘…you would expect him to be more prepared.” He didn’t make any major mistakes and that is a good thing. I watched the debate and […]
10Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued