All Posts Tagged With: "NASA"

NASA – Visualization of Global Warming
Imagine Pat Robertson and NASA agreeing on anything. The anti-scientist and the pure manifestation of science are on the same page. Pat Robertson recently spoke on Global Warming on the 700 Club television spectacle, saying, They are defending the society. But I tell you stay in doors ladies and gentleman. Stay cool. Get fans or […]
30Jan2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on NASA – Visualization of Global Warming | Continued
More Dark Energy Means Less Mass
I am no scientist, but logic is logic. There are theorems of the universe that are given. One is that we live in a closed system. Nothing is either created or destroyed – things change form – that is all. Present theory suggests the universe is expanding. And the expansion is accelerating. What can […]
11May2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on More Dark Energy Means Less Mass | Continued
Shuttle Mission to Repair Hubble
The space shuttle is launching today (weather permitting) an a final mission to repair and upgrade the Hubble telescope. For the first time in the shuttle history NASA has a second shuttle ready for an emergency rescue should the need arise. The danger in the present mission is from space junk around the Hubble. Should […]
11May2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Shuttle Mission to Repair Hubble | Continued
Mission Endeavour
(Update: 8:25 p.m. EST) Space Shuttle Endeavour lit up the sky at the Kennedy Space Center as it launched tonight, racing up the east coast of the United States on its way to orbit Seven astronauts are on board. Their flight is scheduled to run just shy of fifteen days. By space shuttle standards, the […]
19Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Mission Endeavour | Continued