All Posts Tagged With: "Navy"

Big Stick Diplomacy
President T.R. Roosevelt is quoted as having said, “Speak softly and carry a big stick”. Don’t you just love those easy clever witticisms? Bumper sticker diplomacy at its finest. Wit is not the same as wisdom. Clever is not the same as wisdom. Wisdom speaks softly and carries a big stick – and carries the […]
10Dec2016 | Gary Clark | 0 comments | Continued
The Problem is Heterosexuals in the Military
My son is a flaming heterosexual. He does not attempt to hide this fact, but neither does he go around broadcasting his sexual preferences. Our family chose to just ignore his life style. When he was twenty years old he joined the Navy. It was some time during his four year tour of duty that […]
3Feb2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 6 comments | Continued
A Soldier’s Story
This video is the story of one soldier. The fourth Medal of Honor recipient of the last six years. This is the stuff of legend – regardless of the political interpretations of war – the soldiers go to war when asked, they do not question or balk. This is one more reason the civilian Commander […]
3Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on A Soldier’s Story | Continued
Getting Tools From My Dad
Dad, Thanks for all of your encouragement. You probably remember when I was in the Navy and I occasionally found myself in trouble. You probably remember because it lasted for a couple of years. When I decided to turn over a new leaf, it was hard because not everyone was convinced that I was different […]
8Sep2007 | bryan | Comments Off on Getting Tools From My Dad | Continued