All Posts Tagged With: "New England"

Chief’s Football Analysis by PEG
Well….I must comment on the KC Chiefs victory last night. Those of you who know me well….after being a lifetime fan, who remembers watching the Chiefs Win the Super Bowl in 1970, know the Chiefs lost my unconditional love after they lost 1998 AFC Divisional Home Game (13-3, home field advantage, 1st round bye) to […]
10Sep2017 | Ohg Rea Tone | 0 comments | Continued
Oops! The Giants beat Green Bay
Son, I was all ready for a Super Bowl between super quarterbacks. What a game, Favre and Brady. That would have been fun. But there is another quarterback emerging – and he has a famous name – Manning. Eli Manning has played quality football in the playoffs. He has inspired the confidence of his team […]
21Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Oops! The Giants beat Green Bay | Continued
Tom Brady versus Favre or Manning
Son, One of the ESPN sports shows posed an interesting question a couple of weeks ago. The question: “Would the Patriots be undefeated if Brett Favre or Peyton Manning had been the quarterback?” The concensus on the ESPN panel was a unanimous ‘NO.’ But I think they made a couple of erroneous assumptions. They assumed […]
15Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Tom Brady versus Favre or Manning | Continued
Jack Del Rio and mechanized Belichick
Son, History is being made in the NFL. The game tonight, Saturday, January 12, will be a milestone. The New England Patriots have a perfect season, that is to say that they have not lost a game. But tonight they are facing Jack Del Rio. He is the coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars. Del Rio […]
12Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued