All Posts Tagged With: "Orson Wells"

Steven Colbert, FOX, and Global Warming
It is February – in North America. It is snowing, and the temperature hovers around freezing. In two months it will be April, the average daily temperature will hover around 55-60 degrees. What can this possibly mean? Can this mean that North America’s climate is seasonal – or does this mean the global weather is […]
11Feb2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Writing, Blogging, Journalism
Son, I am trying to get this sorted out in my own mind – so I’ll just think out loud right here. Writing has many forms, creative, essay, informative, technical, and business to name a few. Each form has a function. With creative writing we expect to see plenty of colorful adjectives expounding on the […]
14Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Blogging – Breaking Rules of Journalism
Son, We are in a time in history of rapid change; and some folks don’t like it. They don’t like it because change often requires challenging, if not breaking, established rules and protocols. Bloggers are struggling to get the respect of the professional journalist community. I think that is a mistake. I am not interested […]
13Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued