All Posts Tagged With: "Phil"

The Curious Case of Nadya Suleman – Octo-Mom
Is Nadya Suleman crazy, or what? She had six children by in-vitro fertilization, then had a whole bunch of frozen embryos implanted, resulting in eight babies at one birth. She now has fourteen children. She has no husband and no job. She lives with her mother in a home that is about to be foreclosed. Is she crazy, or what? This is a case of immaturity meeting Dr. Frankenstein.
25Feb2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 5 comments | Continued
What’s his name, that Black Golfer?
Son, There is some guy playing golf like it is nobody’s business. I am getting old and cannot remember names very well. But I will try to recount some of the legends. Then I’ll tell you about the new guy. That guy Jack could hit a nickle on the green. Gary was a player. Arnie […]
28Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on What’s his name, that Black Golfer? | Continued