All Posts Tagged With: "Pit Bulls"

When The State Fails To Protect The Citizens
Long ago, in a less complicated time, my family lived in a quiet neighborhood. The homes were close together in that old neighborhood. This was not suburbia. The lots of the Harris Addition were fifty feet wide and one hundred and fifty feet deep. The depth was measured from the street to the alley. Our […]
4Aug2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on When The State Fails To Protect The Citizens | Continued
Breed Specific Legislation
BSL is another rights stripping phenomenon that has gained momentum through fear tactics. This is another example of individual’s willingness to accept anything from the media as the gospel truth. BSL has snowballed in that last couple of years. What this type of legislation does is either outright ban a certain breed of dog or […]
3Jan2009 | Cole James | 2 comments | Continued