All Posts Tagged With: "Poitier"

Senator Obama, To Sir With Love
Senator Obama, Thank you. You have brought a sense of hope to this country, nay – to this world. It seems so long since we felt hope. On September 11, 2001, the rooster crowed. A new age was upon us but the world was slow to awaken. Stumbling in the early morning darkness we knocked […]
29Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 9 comments | Continued
Race is perception – why it matters in politics
Son, I am a baby boomer – that generation of people that outnumber the rest of you folks. We grew up with civil rights and anti-war protesting and counter culture movements. Today we are skeptical about those who wish to claim the mantle of leadership for cultural change. Race is always important. We loved Martin […]
26Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Race is perception – why it matters in politics | Continued