All Posts Tagged With: "politicians"

Stealing Jesus – The 2008 Elections
Quoting from the book Stealing Jesus” by Bruce Bawer: “The simple word religion lends dignity to prejudice, muffles opposition and obliges the media to tread carefully. Not only politicians but journalists, too, are less likely to criticize frankly the attitudes of individuals or groups when they identify themselves as Christian and attribute their attitudes to […]
16Oct2008 | bryan | Comments Off on Stealing Jesus – The 2008 Elections | Continued
John Wayne talks about America
Son, When I was growing up John Wayne was the great American Hero. He embodied everything that it was to be a real man, to be a real patriot, to have honor and to honor tradition. Who are the heroes of today’s youth? [wp_youtube]nrjn26EE2bs[/wp_youtube] John Wayne was replaced by John Lennon. Then Sylvester Stallone and […]
3Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Opinions vs. Convictions
Dad, I think that convictions get muddled because they get confused with opinions. The difference lies in action and inaction. if we sit around the table in your living room and sip coffee and talk about feeding the hungry or staying out of debt, then that conversation is founded in opinion. If we cut up […]
10Sep2007 | bryan | Comments Off on Opinions vs. Convictions | Continued