All Posts Tagged With: "power"
The Cruel Hoax of Fanatics
Our dog is something of a rescue dog – she was turned over to a veterinary clinic with a gash on her head and one eye-ball literally hanging out. We took responsibility for the dog ($800 over two years). We do not know her age. Obviously we know she suffered some trauma in her life. […]
18May2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on The Cruel Hoax of Fanatics | ContinuedThe Passion of Gun Lovers and Pit Bulls
Gun lovers can sure be passionate. We might have used the word fanatical – but that word has negative connotations. Is it possible to be passionate about guns and not be fanatical? Yes. Is it possible to be passionate about anything and not be fanatical? Yes. I wrote a post last week titled The Phenomenon of Modern Guns. That post instigated a healthy debate by gun lovers – and leads directly to this diatribe of values examination.
11Feb2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | 13 comments | ContinuedComments on a Life of Chaos
Did you ever know anyone who just seemed to live their life in constant chaos? Most likely. Chaos can become a part of our cultural understanding of the world around us. People raised in chaos often live chaotic lives. Some attempt a life of moderation – but under duress often resort to extreme chaos or […]
28Aug2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Comments on a Life of Chaos | ContinuedBush and Cheney are WMD’s
George W. Bush, mixed with equal amounts of Dick Cheney, produces Weapons of Mass Destruction. These two men, more than Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden, have themselves destroyed mass numbers of humans. And about 5,000 of the dead are American service men. We can not even begin to count the number of innocent Iraqi’s killed in a war of vengeance.
The lethal combination of Bush and Cheney needed only a spark of inflamation. The entire Republican Party has bought into this mixture of vengeance and lusts after another opportunity to mix their potions of destruction.
16Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bush and Cheney are WMD’s | ContinuedThoughts On Original Sin
Some Jungian analysts suggest that original sin relates to family of origin.The idea is in order to be ‘saved’ from the original sin one must escape the dysfunction of one’s family of origin. Original ‘sin,’ as defined by theologians, takes many different forms. We are born with the sin of Adam, for instance. Or we […]
25Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | ContinuedNote to McCain: Sarcasm Is Toxic
John McCain attempted to belittle Obama in their final debate by using sarcasm. Sarcasm is toxic. Sarcasm poisons relationships. Sarcasm poisons reasonable discourse. Sarcasm poisons conversation. Is this sarcasm an example of how McCain will deal with contentious world leaders? The point here is quite simple. McCain uses his anger, manifested in sarcasm, to try […]
16Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Note to McCain: Sarcasm Is Toxic | ContinuedMcCain’s World View, Power and Control
John McCain likes to say that one of his model Presidents is Teddy Roosevelt – the Republican President at the beginning of the 20th Century. This writer is also a fan of Roosevelt. There are stark differences in the world view of McCain and Roosevelt. Roosevelt was deliberately forceful, McCain reacts out of anger. The […]
8Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | ContinuedNuclear Energy – a Video Debate
No one really knows. Or if they do they don’t agree with others equally confident of their knowledge. There are some things we can know – for instance, people are generally afraid of anything they do not understand. We step on harmless spiders and kill friendly snakes because we do not understand. Many of us […]
2Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Nuclear Energy – a Video Debate | ContinuedInternet costs and Power Companies.
Son, I am confused again. The world changes faster than I can keep up. This article is being written to an internet site that offers distribution to the world wide web. We don’t charge anything for people to come here and browse around. But someone does. I am trying to understand the complexity of costs […]
4Mar2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | ContinuedEvangelicals, Republicans, two Tar Babies
Son, In 1979 the Republican Party formed an un-holy alliance with the evangelical right wing. They hit that tar baby right square in the fat mouth of devil worship. Or is it the other way around – The Evangelicals signed a deal the the Republican Devil? Unlike Faust, neither will survive the deal with the […]
7Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | ContinuedSpirituality, Confused with Co-dependency
Son, Healthy spirituality – what is it? What does it look like? What is at the root? A discussion like this leads to a discussion on generally healthy behaviors. This leads to discussion on co-dependency, drug addiction, and other destructive behaviors. Notice how I conveniently lumped different maladies together? This is where the discussion often […]
17Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Spirituality, Confused with Co-dependency | ContinuedFaith, Obedience, and Mercy – in Iraq
Son, President George W. Bush is not God. I am not Abraham, and the children of America are not to be thoughtlessly sacrificed on a mountain in the Middle East. Faith, obedience, and mercy are noble virtues. But are there no boundaries? Bob Dylan said it well: “God said to Abraham, go kill me a […]
11Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Faith, Obedience, and Mercy – in Iraq | ContinuedJohn McCain, true Masculinity
John McCain is a true mature man. This is a person who has managed a life as a warrior and a humanitarian. He is a man of solid values. A man of strength and resolve. A man of compassion. A man of the world. And a man of common people. Can you tell that I […]
2Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on John McCain, true Masculinity | ContinuedIce Storms highlight desperate measures
Readers, Ohg is out of commission. He lives in one of the midwestern cities that has been hit the worst with the latest ice storms. The picture at the right is about two blocks from his house. He is without power, huddled in fron of his fireplace for warmth, trying to decide whether or not […]
13Dec2007 | bryan | Comments Off on Ice Storms highlight desperate measures | ContinuedFearists: the new face of terror…
Dad, We need a new term. You approached the idea of terrorism in other forms in a previous post. We need to identify that terrorists use violence, but many use fear and it is almost as destructive. I think if you use fear to influence others’ actions or to bring about social or political change, […]
9Oct2007 | bryan | 3 comments | Continued