All Posts Tagged With: "prediction"

2012 Mayan Prediction – Respecting Logic
Marilyn vos Savant is some sort of genius who sells her logic to Parade Magazine. People write with questions, Marilyn answers. The question on January 31, 2010, concerned the Mayan prediction of the end of the world in the year 2012. The question: Can you add some logic to calm the hysteria? The flaw in […]
3Feb2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
The Zodiac Predicts Modern Holidays
Astrology – the predictor of the Christ. The three wise men followed their star charts to find the young King of men in his manger. Who, we ask, can argue with the validity of astrology. Even today, some 2,000 years later – the Zodiac accounts for, and often predicts, the activities of American holidays. I […]
9Jun2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Zodiac Predicts Modern Holidays | Continued
Internet market predictions
By David Leonhardt By now, many political junkies know the recent history of prediction markets. In 2004, the election-morning odds at Intrade, one of the best-known prediction markets, correctly forecast the presidential election in each of the 50 states. (In other words, President Bush won every state where traders gave him than 50 chance of […]
3Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Internet market predictions | Continued
Evangelicals on Nov. 4: Four Predictions
One week until Election Day. Time to start making predictions on the basis of the Faith and Values story lines we have been pursuing since the Summer of 2007. Today, the Evangelicals (tomorrow Jews): A higher percentage of Evangelicals will vote for Obama than voted for Kerry: I would mortgage the house on this one […]
28Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Evangelicals on Nov. 4: Four Predictions | Continued
NY Giants – the surge is working
Son, I was flipping through the channels on television a few minutes ago. I paused for a second on ESPN and heard “New York Giants.” I hit the channel button and immediately heard John McCain saying, “The surge is working…” So what I heard was “New York Giants – the surge is working.” Well, that […]
3Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on NY Giants – the surge is working | Continued
The Prophecy of Ohg Rea Tone – 2008
Son, I am compelled on this Christmas Day in 2007 to offer some insight into 2008. In the true spirit of prophecy I will focus on conditional prophecies. Conditional prophecies are most useful because they allow us opportunity to have some say in future events – if we were only aware of the conditional stimuli. […]
26Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Prophecy of Ohg Rea Tone – 2008 | Continued