All Posts Tagged With: "president"

Why Iowa Matters
Son, Politics – No one likes to lose. Worse – if we back a loser then we become the loser in the game of influence. Backing the winner translates into bragging rights, then influence, then power, then more bragging rights. It is the fundamental flaw of our electoral process. Caucuses are inherently unfair, or should […]
3Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
The Year of Fear – 2008
Son, Irony abounds. An Election for President of the U. S. is upon us. We are talking about the leader of the free world. Some candidates for this heralded office use fear to jerk the chains of voters. Freedom and fear are not compatible concepts. Further irony reeks from the pores of candidate supporters – […]
30Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Year of Fear – 2008 | Continued
The Point of Leadership
Son, Leadership is not personal. Leadership is not about what I do at home in the evening, when no one is watching. Leadership is about what one does when everyone is watching. I really don’t care about the televangelist who privately has a couple of mistresses on the side. Who cares – what is the […]
29Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Point of Leadership | Continued
Ronald Reagan and Ron Paul
Son, In 1976 Ronald Reagan made a serious run at the Republican nomination for President. Our country was just emerging from Vietnam, Watergate, and a disgraced presidency. There are correlations to today. We are embroiled in an unpopular war, White House lackeys are being pardoned for crimes committed on behalf of the administration, and we […]
26Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ronald Reagan and Ron Paul | Continued
The Mormon Bible – and Mitt Romney
Son, Mitt Romney has said that he will ‘put his hand on the Bible” and take the oath of office. My question is simple, which Bible is he going to put his hand on? I think it is a fair question – he is taking an oath to defend you and me, your children and […]
7Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 6 comments | Continued
The politics of admitting mistakes
Son, Several candidates for President have long histories. Many of them have run for other offices like Senator, or Governor, or Mayor. In the process of seeking those offices they necessarily catered to the limited population of their respective ambitions. Romney and Giuliani were pro-choice. Giuliani has been married three times. Huckabee raised taxes. Clinton […]
4Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The politics of admitting mistakes | Continued
Bush, bewildering logic
Son, President Bush is live on TV as I write. “Iran was dangerous. Iran is dangerous. Iran will be dangerous if they have the ability to have nukular weapons. Who is to say that they don’t have a covert operation to have a nukular program” This in response to a new finding by the National […]
4Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bush, bewildering logic | Continued
Oprah and Barack – transcending race
Son, A curious phenomenon is taking place. Oprah Winfrey is going on the stump for Barack Obama. So what? It is not unusual for celebrities to endorse candidates for political office. But this phenomenon is unusual, for several reasons. Oprah does not normally do this. Oprah has been on television for 25 years and has […]
26Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Oprah and Barack – transcending race | Continued