All Posts Tagged With: "profit"

Art, Craft, Capitalism, and Pirating
Pirates! Who are they? Johnny Depp has redefined the genre with Captain Jack Sparrow. This portrayal is entertaining for sure – but not necessarily accurate. Pirating is about selfish intentional plunder, it is about seeking out treasure possessed by others and taking possession of the treasure by any means possible. The modern entertainment industry has […]
7May2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Art, Craft, Capitalism, and Pirating | Continued
The Enigma of Wal-Mart
Son, You and I are of different generations – how obvious is that. What is less obvious is what it means to be of different generations. I am a baby-boomer, you are a nut case child of the seventies. Such is the case with labels. But the cultural influences and differences of our lives are […]
11Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued