All Posts Tagged With: "proof"

Truth Versus Faith
Truth, belief, and faith – three legs on the stool of human endeavor. We seem to require all three but only truth can be measured and verified. Some people will get all up in arms about at that statement. They will say that I am challenging their faith. I am not. I am only saying […]
2Jan2017 | Gary Clark | 3 comments | Continued
Faith and Knowledge – differences
Son, You and I talk often about faith. It struck me that perhaps we are getting mixed up on semantics. Faith and knowledge are different things. Knowledge requires proof, faith does not. There is a new show on television with Jeff Foxworthy as the host. It is called, “Are you smarter than a 5th grader?” […]
10Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued