All Posts Tagged With: "prophecy"

The Prophecy of Ohg Rea Tone – 2009
Prophecy is only valuable if it presents opportunity for change. Absolutes are for the cynical, for those who presume their destiny is predetermined. Free will suggests we have something to say about our life. In the tradition of ancient Bible Prophets we will offer some conditional prophecy for 2009: If we reward failure, failure will […]
16Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Economic Speculating
Most of us admit that we do not understand the current economic crisis. But there are some simple principles at work. Everyone who has run a household for ten years understands clearly that they cannot sustain living on credit cards. The key word in setting policy, or planning a budget, is ‘sustainable.’ Can the policy […]
2Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Economic Speculating | Continued
The Prophecy of Barack Obama
Two years ago Barack Obama decided to run for President of the United States. There were others. Seasoned politicians. Politicians who have been representing people in an official capacity for years. Each of the candidates spoke to the people. Each presented their case. Obama said, “This is about change.” We the people cheered. Think of […]
21Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 6 comments | Continued
Rev. Wright’s Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Here we go again. An angry man, whether justified or not, pokes a stick in the eye of the object of his anger. Then he wonders why the object of his anger does not like him. Barack Obama says, let us have a healthy dialogue. Well, get the stick out of my eye and maybe […]
20Mar2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Rev. Wright’s Self-Fulfilling Prophecy | Continued
The Year of Fear – 2008
Son, Irony abounds. An Election for President of the U. S. is upon us. We are talking about the leader of the free world. Some candidates for this heralded office use fear to jerk the chains of voters. Freedom and fear are not compatible concepts. Further irony reeks from the pores of candidate supporters – […]
30Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Year of Fear – 2008 | Continued
The Prophecy of Ohg Rea Tone – 2008
Son, I am compelled on this Christmas Day in 2007 to offer some insight into 2008. In the true spirit of prophecy I will focus on conditional prophecies. Conditional prophecies are most useful because they allow us opportunity to have some say in future events – if we were only aware of the conditional stimuli. […]
26Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Prophecy of Ohg Rea Tone – 2008 | Continued