All Posts Tagged With: "Protestant"

Where Have All the Liberals Gone?
So many people are unclear today about what it means to be liberal and conservative, democrat or republican, Methodist or Episcopalian. I think it would be a good idea to examine these things and to make conscious decisions and form intentional and reasonable conclusions about current events, rather than subscribe to an ideology or system of beliefs because our parents did, because the media is in an uproar, or because of the all-to-common cult of personality.
16Feb2009 | bryan | 5 comments | Continued
Catholics Saved Christianity
Son, Without the Roman Catholic Church there would be no Christianity. The Catholic Church has been criticized for about 2000 years. This probably began when Jesus chose to expose himself to a woman. Perhaps I should rephrase that statement. When bodily resurrected after death, Jesus revealed himself to Mary Magdalene before revealing himself to the […]
16Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Catholics Saved Christianity | Continued