All Posts Tagged With: "punishment"

Conservatives Blame Solar Flares on God’s Anger
Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods, Pestilence, all products of an Angry God – determined to punish the United States of America for loathsome behavior. I can hear it now. Pat Robertson and Rick Santorum must be going crazy with delight. The latest round of Solar Flares are caused by God. God does not like the way we […]
8Mar2012 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Conservatives Blame Solar Flares on God’s Anger | Continued
Bernie Madoff, Adequate Sorrow, Adequate Punishment
Madoff had his day in court. He will have more. Madoff plead guilty to eleven felony counts of fraud – of stealing from trusting customers. But Madoff did not just steal the jewelery like a common burglar, he took the whole house, the car, the children’s teddy bear, and the family retirement account. In his […]
12Mar2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bernie Madoff, Adequate Sorrow, Adequate Punishment | Continued
Bernie Madoff, Traitor, Turncoat, Judas, Treason
Is there a greater crime against our country than that which Bernie Madoff is charged? I don’t think so. This is not ‘just’ stealing 50 Billion dollars – this is about the harm done to our way of life. Our way of life is based on capitalism tempered by faith, or consideration for others. Bernie […]
8Jan2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bernie Madoff, Traitor, Turncoat, Judas, Treason | Continued
Drug Court – Systemically Flawed
A quick check of the court briefs in the local newspaper gives startling evidence of losing the war on drugs. The paper reported six people sentenced to prison – all for drug charges – five methamphetamine and one cocaine. We are talking about rural northwest Missouri. The first Drug Court was established in Dade County […]
21Dec2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Getting Tools From My Dad
Dad, Thanks for all of your encouragement. You probably remember when I was in the Navy and I occasionally found myself in trouble. You probably remember because it lasted for a couple of years. When I decided to turn over a new leaf, it was hard because not everyone was convinced that I was different […]
8Sep2007 | bryan | Comments Off on Getting Tools From My Dad | Continued