All Posts Tagged With: "regulations"

Father’s Day – 2013 – Notes on My Father
My father was a tough guy – a product of both nature and nurture. His formal education consisted of six grades in elementary school. He landed on Omaha Beach at age 21, marched across France and Germany, earned six battle ribbons, a purple heart, and four bronze stars for valor. He worked thirty-six years […]
16Jun2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Father’s Day – 2013 – Notes on My Father | Continued
The Short End of The Regulation Stick
The hard earned emotions of our life influence our thoughts. They distract us from our initial purpose. I often begin a post and when finished I have to change the title to reflect the actual post – the burr under my saddle led me off course. Many of us have burrs under our saddles that […]
5Jul2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
The Federal Government is BIG Because Locals Are Not Responsible
The big toot in the news today (and for the past forty year) has been anti-Big Government. Ronald Reagan swept the electorate on his charge that ‘Government is the problem.’ We have to ask why. Why has our Federal Government grown to such a behemoth? The answer is really quite simple – it is because […]
19Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Federal Government is BIG Because Locals Are Not Responsible | Continued
The NRA Supports Mexican Drug Cartels
It is the law of unintended consequences at its most maddening extreme. In their asinine attempt to keep all forms of arms available, with the least regulation or restriction, the Nation Rifle Association has made heavy weapons available to the Mexican Drug Cartels. We don’t have enough James Bonds around to control the bad guys. […]
16Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Capitalism is Stronger with a Christian Alloy
Capitalism is the iron of our economy. Long ago men found they could melt iron ore and produce new weapons and new tools. Iron improved the lives of everyone and would eventually launch the industrial revolution. I have cast iron pots and pans even today. But iron was found to be brittle and easily broken. […]
5Mar2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
Republican Peanut Butter
Have you bought any peanut butter lately? If so, perhaps you should check the label for signs of the GOP. The current wide spread salmonella poisoning of peanut butter is a great metaphor for the leadership of the GOP for the past eight years. The Bush administration, supported by the same congressmen who now oppose Obama, had one simple philosophy in domestic affairs: Leave Business Alone!
29Jan2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Trust God, But Lock Your Car
The Federal Government of the past eight years reminded this writer of an old computer axiom – we can now make a million mistakes a minute. In 1972 I worked in the world of finance with an IBM 370, Model 145 – one of those mainframe computers with a front panel of flashing white, yellow, […]
7Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Trust God, But Lock Your Car | Continued
The Perfect Economic Storm, With No Captain – video
The Perfect Storm. That moment when unique weather patterns come together to create the absolute most havoc. Bush and McCain and their Republican cronies have created that moment in our economy. The storm began with letting up on banking regulations. Then they deregulated investment banks. The idea was that home prices would continue to climb […]
30Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Ronald Reagan and Ron Paul on Government
These are the oversimplified ideas of orators hoping to get elected. Ronald Reagan on Big Government: Ron Paul on Big Government:
23Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Ronald Reagan and Ron Paul on Government | Continued
Tony Soprano is Running Wall Street
The Bush Administration has made Wall Street an offer they can’t refuse. Suck the life out of the company, siphoning money from the investing middle class, then we will tax the middle class to bail you out. The movies have had great material with organized crime. The rage began with The Godfather, continued with Goodfellas, […]
17Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Tony Soprano is Running Wall Street | Continued
States Rights – a Feudal System
Bear with me – sometimes the answers to current problems have historical roots – and the answers to complex problems have already been worked out. Over time people have tried varieties of government and economic systems. Our Founding Fathers studied the history of government and molded the bold liberal experiment that we now call the […]
17Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
McCain, “My Friends, trust me”
McCain wants the people to trust him. We are nauseated every time we hear McCain use the term ‘my friends,’ he wears it out. He suggests he is your friend – but we should all check the value of or 401k’s today. That is the true measure of how much the Republican brand is your […]
17Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued