All Posts Tagged With: "repubilcan"

Republican Debate, 1-29-08
Son, The Republican debate is on CNN tonight. It is being hosted by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. John McCain, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and Mike Huckabee are participating. I missed a few minutes because of a black tie affair that I could not get out of. The question is what about 100 year involvement […]
31Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Anybody but Huckabee
Son. It looks like Mike Huckabee is taking the first turn with a lead in the race. But my thought is that Huckabee appeals to a small but enthusiastic audience. As the race progresses the Republican leadership will take an Anybody but Huckabee stance. Huckabee has had several gaffs on foreign policy. He has directly […]
4Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Media Hosts Fail in Presidential Debates
Son, Is our inept Media driving foreign policy? Do we rely on celebrity Media Hosts to define important issues? I hope not. Because the Media Hosts are so infatuated with themselves that they are not aware of a big world and real issues that have real consequences. I hearken back to the Democratic Debate. Time […]
28Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Media Hosts Fail in Presidential Debates | Continued