All Posts Tagged With: "retribution"

The Two-Edged Sword of Justice
President Obama demonstrates his wisdom. He is reluctant to pursue charges against Bush administration officials for possible war crimes conducted during their ‘war on terror.’ Justice is a funny thing – and the Constitutional Lawyer in Barack Obama speaks to him of justice – but his maturity speaks to him of the bitterness of vengeance.
23Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Government by Terror
Son, Fear must not choose a President. That was the title of an earlier post. I have pondered this axiom of righteousness and find it wanting. There is more than fear. Our candidates harp on the politics of fear, on the use of fear to garner votes from weary political practitioners. But fear does not […]
3Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Government by Terror | Continued