All Posts Tagged With: "Richard"

Bobby McFerrin
Check this out. The classical singer Bobby McFerrin with some classical interpretations. McFerrin is to music what Jim Carey is to comedy. No, wait, that discredits McFerrin – he is incomparable. Here is Ave Maria, all voice with no instrumental accompaniment – a fascinating expose by a true master. The theater is in the round. […]
8Feb2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bobby McFerrin | Continued
Super Nigger
Richard Pryor broke the rules, and we are grateful. Pryor was most effective in using humor to contrast the insanity of racism and the ultimate humor inherent in absurd words. Oprah will not like this post – but she failed to renew her advertising so we got nothing to lose, bro.
21Jan2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Super Nigger | Continued
Richard Gere video on being a Buddhist
Son, I really like this video. Richard Gere explains his position without being a wacko celebrity. The philosophy also lends itself to my understanding of the world. I have not declared my faith as Buddhist – but I like the message. Dad
25Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Richard Gere video on being a Buddhist | Continued