All Posts Tagged With: "rifles"
Scapegoat Politics…
Just some things rattling in my head this morning…. Today I see headlines about Marco Rubio being booed at a gathering to discuss the recent school shooting. Booed and pinned down to say yay or nay to the NRA, pinned down to say guns were responsible for the recent and past shootings. This is disturbing. […]
22Feb2018 | Nancy Belle | 10 comments | ContinuedWhen “Political Correctness” Inhibits Honesty
I have some friends, 300+ on facebook. They represent every aspect of American society. Rich and poor, old and young, educated and uneducated, wise and not-so-wise, liberal and conservative, black and white and gray, and some very opinionated. I have been reluctant to post dramatic political points of view for fear of alienating someone – […]
16Jun2016 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | ContinuedCabela’s Deer Camp – no Assault Rifles
Son, There is a big advertisement inserted into this morning’s newspaper. The title is catching: Cabela’s countdown to Deer Camp. Cabela’s is a big outdoor paraphernalia producer and marketer. The colorful ad is four full pages. One entire page is dedicated to arming oneself for the foray into the wild – the firearm must be […]
25Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued