All Posts Tagged With: "right wing"

Make Hay While The Sun Shines
The Democrats thought the sun was shining. The election of 2008 swept the Democrats back into power in Washington D.C. – or so they thought. It now appears that Washington is not so different than Punkin Center, Missouri. Here in Punkin Center we live and die by old sayings. The relevant saying aptly applied to […]
26Jan2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Make Hay While The Sun Shines | Continued
Media Matters Challenges FOX News
We have nothing to add to the Media Matters issue of the right wing fanatical presentation of current events – other than to agree completely.
15Dec2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Media Matters Challenges FOX News | Continued
The Conservative Manifesto For American Bloodshed
The deceptive elements of evil are alive and well within the right wing conservative movement. These people worship at the alter of false Reaganism. They quote Reagan as an opponent of government, when the obvious fact is that Ronald Reagan was the head of the government. The right wing of the early 21st Century distorts the words of President Reagan to serve their own evil purpose. Ronald Reagan NEVER advocated an armed revolution against the United States of America.
29Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Conservative Manifesto For American Bloodshed | Continued