All Posts Tagged With: "Robin Hood"

The Romantic Tax Protest – Where Is Zorro When You Need Him
The romantic hero, the person who fights the establishment, the archetype who defends the poor, who fights the tax collector, steals from the rich to give to the poor – Where is Zorro when you need him? Where are Robin Hood, The Three Musketeers, and Jesus – all great heroes who challenged the established norm? […]
14Apr2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on The Romantic Tax Protest – Where Is Zorro When You Need Him | Continued
The Many Hoods of Robin of Locksley
There has been a recent interest in the story of Robin and his merry men lately, and it is a telling piece of our modern culture to look at the ways that the story is approached through film as it developed and from the different sides of the Atlantic.
6Apr2010 | bryan | Comments Off on The Many Hoods of Robin of Locksley | Continued