All Posts Tagged With: "Rush"

Calling Rush Limbaugh, Debate Michael Moore
Rush Limbaugh, the fat mouth piece of the Republican Party has challenged President Obama to a debate. Of course, Limbaugh knows this is a safe challenge – because it will never happen. Rush is like that – safe. Limbaugh has captured and audience of angry malcontents, people who are looking for some one to blame for their miserable lives. Limbuagh feeds their anger, thus keeping them in the fenced yard. If Limbaugh wants to really debate someone, why not challenge Michael Moore.
5Mar2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 8 comments | Continued
Ohg Rea Tone on Demise of Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh sucked the life out of the Reagan Ideology. Brutally dragging the mantle of a great man into the gutters of hate and despair, Rush and his cohorts have twisted and distorted reason into book sales, advertising, government corruption, torture, war mongering, nation building, and finally economic despair for most Americans. Fanaticism is a […]
15Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | Continued
Brigham Young, Jim Jones, Rush Limbaugh
There is evidence throughout history that desperate people will follow just about anybody. Generally the numbers do not reflect the majority. Generally the numbers are quite small in proportion to the whole. That was the case with the Mormon cult, it was the case with the Jim Jones cult, and it is the truth with […]
24Sep2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Limbaugh speaks in tongues with Copeland
Son, I will let the video speak for itself. [wp_youtube]ixOr_bT0mOk[/wp_youtube] What do you suppose those guys were laughing about? How would this play on talk radio? Dad
8Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Limbaugh speaks in tongues with Copeland | Continued
Conservatives support Romney – Go Figure
Son, Mitt Romney is the guy who has changed most of his political positions to run for President. Conservative, by definition, does not like change – Go Figure! He did not like Ronald Reagan. He supported a woman’s right to choose. He raised taxes. He supported State sponsored health care. He shot a rabbit one […]
6Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Conservatives support Romney – Go Figure | Continued
John Wayne talks about America
Son, When I was growing up John Wayne was the great American Hero. He embodied everything that it was to be a real man, to be a real patriot, to have honor and to honor tradition. Who are the heroes of today’s youth? [wp_youtube]nrjn26EE2bs[/wp_youtube] John Wayne was replaced by John Lennon. Then Sylvester Stallone and […]
3Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Limbaugh looks and sounds like Tim Russert
Son, I hearken back a few weeks to a Democratic Debate sponsored by MSNBC. The moderator was Tim Russert. As we reflect on substance we can see that Tim Russert has drug MSNBC and NBC down to the level of conservative talk radio. Russert has climbed to the top of the ‘good old boys’ network […]
2Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Limbaugh looks and sounds like Tim Russert | Continued
Al Franken takes a shot at Limbaugh, Part I
Son, I labeled this post ‘Part I’ because this cannot possibly be the whole story. Al Franken is a funny guy – but does that qualify him to be a United States Senator? Al Franken is quite an intellect – but history shows that being an intellect is not a precursor to being in the […]
2Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Al Franken takes a shot at Limbaugh, Part I | Continued
The John McCain Shelter for Abused Conservatives
John McCain has brought sanity back into the Republican Party. McCain is the realistic optimist of Ronald Reagan. The Reagan Revolution has been hijacked by abusive personalities who hope only for power and control. When an abused spouse cries out for help we provide an Abuse Shelter. We provide a place of sanctuary. We provide […]
31Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 4 comments | Continued
Ron Paul endorses drug addiction
Son, We have comments from Ron Paul supporters that compare laws against marijuana to prohibition against alcohol. These folks, and Ron Paul, fail to understand the trauma of modern drugs. The real sadness is that Ron Paul is a physician – and he seems to turn a blind eye to the problem of a pandemic […]
25Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 19 comments | Continued
Media Hosts fail as Celebrities
Son, A tragedy has befallen American Journalism. Cable and satellite feeds have created monster celebrities in the field of journalism. Everyone wants to be Walter Cronkite. The problem is that hey have not earned the stature. Wolf Blitzer, Chris Matthews, Tim Russert, Bill O’Reilly, Shawn Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, to name a few. These people have […]
25Nov2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Media Hosts fail as Celebrities | Continued