All Posts Tagged With: "sarcasm"

The Ressurection of Ohg Rea Tone
Ohg Tone and I have been friends for forty years. I first remember him when my oldest daughter was two years old. Ohg showed up and brought sarcastic humor into my family. As crude as he is – there is always a spark of humor. Ohg became a writer for in 2007. After five […]
25Dec2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on The Ressurection of Ohg Rea Tone | Continued
Job – More Fun With Christians
DarkMatter2525 has come through again. This time with the satirical interpretation of the Book of Job. The humor is blatant, the sarcasm unveiled, the truth challenged. My view is that these folks are doing a great service to humanity. Any healthy Christian faith must recognize the absurdity of the literal interpretation of the Bible. Comments […]
26Nov2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Job – More Fun With Christians | Continued
Trash Talk – The Elixir of Human Life
My predecessor at, Ohg Rea Tone, was entertaining – if not always correct. He slung sarcasm like a pig in a sty. Mr. Tone recognized the elixir of human life was trash talk. Those moments in life when humans harmoniously agree on everything are just the one minute break between rounds. We can tell […]
18May2013 | Gary Clark | Comments Off on Trash Talk – The Elixir of Human Life | Continued
On Alcoholics Anonymous – A Letter From Prison
Corresponding with an inmate in the Missouri prison system can be rewarding – and it can be heartbreaking. My friend Joey is again in prison. Joey is not a criminal – but four DUI’s will get anyone some time behind bars. I met Joey when he was in Drug Court. He was my client. As […]
22Apr2013 | Gary Clark | 1 comment | Continued
The Demise of Ohg Rea Tone
Ohg Rea Tone has passed nine months hither. His demise was non-dramatic, no violence or accidents, just worn out. Some say he was haggard, a value judgment Mr. Tone would have found appropriate. Mr. Tone was a son, a brother, a father, and a grandfather – yet he had no family. Mr. Tone was well […]
26Jan2013 | Gary Clark | 2 comments | Continued
Do Mother’s Day Cards Really Describe Your Mother?
How did you find the energy, Mom To do all the things you did, To be teacher, nurse and counselor To me, when I was a kid. Does that little diddy describe your mother? For years I wanted to honor my Mother on Mother’s Day (as defined by Hallmark Cards). I went shopping at all […]
9May2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Fat Prejudice
America, Love It or Fix It. We don’t know who these folks are. They produced the following video on prejudice of obese people. We don’t know what to make of this – it this a good thing or not? Certainly the video does a good job of pointing out sarcasm, prejudice, and even plain old […]
7Nov2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Fat Prejudice | Continued
Note to McCain: Sarcasm Is Toxic
John McCain attempted to belittle Obama in their final debate by using sarcasm. Sarcasm is toxic. Sarcasm poisons relationships. Sarcasm poisons reasonable discourse. Sarcasm poisons conversation. Is this sarcasm an example of how McCain will deal with contentious world leaders? The point here is quite simple. McCain uses his anger, manifested in sarcasm, to try […]
16Oct2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Note to McCain: Sarcasm Is Toxic | Continued
My Stimulus Check Stimulates Me
Here is what I am going to do. Plain and simple. I am going to spend my gov’ment stimulus check to help the economy. I have a whole list of things that I am gonna do. Here it is. Right off, I am going to pay my car insurance for a year – then I […]
27Apr2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on My Stimulus Check Stimulates Me | Continued
Al Franken takes a shot at Limbaugh, Part I
Son, I labeled this post ‘Part I’ because this cannot possibly be the whole story. Al Franken is a funny guy – but does that qualify him to be a United States Senator? Al Franken is quite an intellect – but history shows that being an intellect is not a precursor to being in the […]
2Feb2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Al Franken takes a shot at Limbaugh, Part I | Continued
Blogging – Op-Ed on steroids
Son, This world of blogging is fascinating. Large audiences can be reached with the push of a button. Bloggers rarely report the news – rather we just comment on the news. Sometimes the word ‘comment’ does not quite describe what is really happening. Blogging has become a vent for the anger of a frustrated populace. […]
26Oct2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | 2 comments | Continued
Sarcasm – a toxic elixir
Son, I can be thoughtful – and I can be sarcastic. The sarcasm is a strategy learned many years ago while growing up. It is an old recipe, handed down through generations in my family. I have used it well to win fights – and I have lost many wars. You have heard me say […]
28Sep2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Sarcasm – a toxic elixir | Continued