All Posts Tagged With: "Senator"

Arlen Spector Switches Political Parties
Senator Arlen Spector, a long time Republican from Pennsylvania, is reported to be poised to switch political parties. Senator Spector has always been his own man, not necessarily following party lines. (Don’t we all wish there were more of these types of politicians). The powerful punch of this news rests in the power structure of […]
28Apr2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
A Season for Hope – Ted Kennedy
This writer grew up watching the Kennedy family. We watched and followed John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. We cried with the nation when those great men were assassinated. We were saddened when Senator Ted Kennedy seemed to fail the legacy. But Ted Kennedy is a man who demonstrates that there is salvation in America. […]
26Aug2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 1 comment | Continued
Video – Kennedys endorse Obama, from MSNBC
Son, I could not capture the power of the news conference today. My earlier post has some of the quotes from the Kennedys – but the written word cannot capture their presence. We can all have hopes for the future of America. Hopes for Social Justice, for health care, for education, for peace, for prosperity, […]
25Aug2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Video – Kennedys endorse Obama, from MSNBC | Continued
Hillary’s Dignity Tank Is On Empty
John McCain is a sharp politician. Many people have criticized his decisions, his shifting allegances, and his fence-sitting positions in this primary. But he is winning. He has a lot of exerience winning and he has enough foresight to know that he has to make some smooth moves and some hard decisions to unite the […]
20Mar2008 | bryan | Comments Off on Hillary’s Dignity Tank Is On Empty | Continued
A Sense of Hope, A Sense of Destiny…. Kennedy
Son, Inspiring events are happening in America. Civil Rights, Social Justice, workers, disabled, education, voters rights, quality Health Care, Senator Edward Kennedy. There is a movement afoot, and the Republicans will not be able to stop it. Senator Kennedy is endorsing Mr. Obama as I write and I can barely keep up. “…Courage, insight, bold […]
29Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on A Sense of Hope, A Sense of Destiny…. Kennedy | Continued
Kennedys endorse Obama – so what?
Son, There is an old axiom in local politics, “When someone or some group endorses you, you get all of their enemies and none of their friends.” Is this true? What can an endorsement by Ted Kennedy add to Mr. Obama’s candidacy. This is important on a couple of notes. Senator Kennedy has as many […]
27Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Kennedys endorse Obama – so what? | Continued
Leader or Expert – Choosing a President
Son, Mitt Romney claims that leadership is more important than expertise on topic. “They are looking for judgment, wisdom, willingness to reach out to others, gaining the right information to make choices… Instead of asking who has the most expertise we should be asking who has the most executive leadership experience…. ” Very interesting points. […]
7Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
Representing US to the World
Son, We live in a Republic. Our government represents us. Taxes, infrastructure, social justice, law, common defense – all of that traditional stuff. Stuff that is defined in the preamble to our constitution. But we live today in a global community. Someone has to represent us to the world. That someone is the President. […]
6Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Representing US to the World | Continued