All Posts Tagged With: "service"

U. S. Postal Stamp Price Increase – Who Suffers?
This past week the United States Postal Service announced plans to raise the price of a postage stamp by $.02. What is two cents? Two Cents is virtually nothing to most of us. But to those who depend on the Postal Service that two cents can be an increasing burden on an already difficult life. […]
9Jul2010 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on U. S. Postal Stamp Price Increase – Who Suffers? | Continued
Good Children Vs Insurrectionists
My husband and I were discussing our children the other day and how they behave or not during church. Our 18-month-old prefers to wander the pews rather than sit quietly on my lap, and when the nursery is closed, it can be quite difficult to “make her behave.” First of all, let me comment on […]
26Apr2010 | Dawn | Comments Off on Good Children Vs Insurrectionists | Continued
Homeless Community
This writer has worked and volunteered at the same social service agencies dedicated to cleaning up the river banks, to rescuing the downtrodden, to saving the helpless, threading the eye of the needle as a gateway to Heaven. We will walk through the Pearly Gates and God will thump us on the forehead with his middle finger, look at us in disgust, and then invite us in to the ultimate shelter from damnation. We will be seated in the middle row, the homeless will have front row seats.
9Feb2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | 3 comments | Continued
Amazing Grace – Dr. Wintley Phipps
Dr. Wintley Phipps can make an atheist believe. There is no way to listen to this man sing without feeling something divine. We are truly living in a blessed time – a time when this talent can be readily shared across the globe.
23Jan2009 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Amazing Grace – Dr. Wintley Phipps | Continued
Bambi Obama
Son, Barack Obama has been anointed. Personally I am happy for him and for our country. But when a super star rises and the people rally – objective politics is endangered. Who wants to shoot Bambi? Dad An afterthought – I wrote the above post with on a whim. It had already been posted when […]
8Jan2008 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on Bambi Obama | Continued
United Way – A Sacred Cow
Son, The United Way is a great idea. Who would not want to be united in the way we treat our fellow man? The problem with the concept lies in longevity – after forty years the United Way has become a Sacred Cow and locals who administer the money are afraid to challenge impropriety. Even […]
27Dec2007 | Ohg Rea Tone | Comments Off on United Way – A Sacred Cow | Continued